Annotating Literature
I think annotating literature is a really fun way to deeply explore the ideas in books further by making notes or writing something of your own to take the idea and elaborate on it. Marking passages and words is a good way to appreciate the book even more. Now, I personally really enjoy the idea of annotating a book or even getting a used book and being able to see what others thought of the ideas. However, when I was younger I hated it and I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to write in a book and ruin it for the other people who would read it. If you don't like the idea of annotating books, that's okay but just hear me out. Earlier this year, I believe it was this June, I took an online class using the book The Lord of the Flies. Essentially, for the class, I had to answer and write a section, (one to three paragraphs) answering different questions and turn them in before Wednesday each week. Lots of the time the questions wer...