
Showing posts from December, 2021

My Favorite Original Art Pieces From 2021

In this past year I believe I've grown a bit with my art, still, I don't have much to show for it.  Mostly because I didn't really start working consistently on it until the middle of the summer and on, and also because I worked more on long-term paintings (mostly oil paintings) that take longer to finish.  You might have seen most or all of these before but I hope you still enjoy them.  In no particular order at all, here are some of my favorites.  :)  I think it's been a good year.   Thank you for being here.   ✰✰✰

Winter Lines by Mark Strand

It's been a while since I've made a post, I've been from being busy to being sick to busy again. Now, even though it's hasn't been a particularly cold winter so far for me, I found this delightful poem. Paired with it are some winter photos from last year.   I hope you like it too.