
Showing posts from December, 2022

Journal Entry No. 5, Thoughts on Social Media for Creative People

I know some people who have said they vehemently hate social media. My Dad once said, and I quote, "social media is the root of all of your problems," well okay..  here are my thoughts.   I don't exactly agree, I believe social media is one of the many things that is bad for you in excess-and it's really easy to get to and past that point with it. I believe there's more to it though. Aside from using it too much and doing things like comparing yourself to someone else (bad) I think it can be a cool tool for artists or people wanting to share their craft (good). And that's what it seems like at first but, yet again, on the other side of it can be a distraction from what you'd really want to create. There is so much going on online, constantly people are posting things, really cool things often times but it can get confusing. It can be hard to remember to create what you really care about rather than trying what you find cool online, it migh