
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Last Paragraph of my Art History Paper - Just Because :)

 Hey all!  I turned this paper in yesterday.. I am not sure if this one was my best work, I got really tired with it and just ended up submitting it without reading over it again.  I mean I did work on it a lot don't get me wrong.  This essay is about ancient narrative art and how it can tell us about the culture and life of the time through the story depicted.  I discussed the Warka Vase (ca. 3300 BCE), the Judgement of Hunefer (ca.  1290-1275 BCE), and Achilles and Ajax Playing a Dice Game (ca. 540-530). Anyway!  As the title promised here is the last paragraph of the essay, not sure why but I kind of like it!  "Humans have been creating stories through art before the invention of writing.  Narrative art is extremely common in ancient times if you consider how many ways stories and tales can be told.  I learned a great deal just researching three styles and pieces and it made me realize how it doesn’t matter how much time has passed between now and ancient times, the need t

The Thing is, Ellen Bass

The Thing is   Ellen Bass to love life, to love it even  when you have no stomach for it  and everything you've held dear  crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,  your throat filled with the silt of it.  When grief sits with you, its tropical heat  thickening the air, heavy as water  more fit for gills than lungs;  when grief weights you like your own flesh  only more of it, an obesity of grief,  you think, How can a body withstand this?  Then you hold life like a face  between your palms, a plain face,  no charming smile, no violet eyes,  and you say, yes, I will take you  I will love you, again. ♡♡♡