
Showing posts from September, 2020

Why Studying Foreign Languages is Valuable and Important

 A week or so ago I had a conversation with a new friend who is Puerto Rican.  The conversation morphed, as they always do, and we started talking about the Spanish language.  She said: tú hablas español? and I said:  sí, un poco .  I have studied Spanish for 2 years and we began talking about languages and talking in Spanish too.  She said she has started learning several languages just by watching TV shows and listening to music in that language.   I think knowing two languages (or more) is one of the coolest things.  You are able to communicate and learn from and read books by so many more people.  One of the things my friend said is once you know more than one language you are at an advantage to most of the world who only know one.  And once you know two, it's easier to learn others.  There is so much more to learning a language than just knowing how to speak and write it.  It invites awareness of another person's culture and life into yours, it creates more positive attit

A Short Story, Donna May Walker

Another Monday another post!  Today, however, is not just another post but another short story.  I haven't posted a short story in a while and I wrote this one earlier this summer.  I have been hesitant to post a historical fiction short story because I am nervous it won't be completely accurate.  I have decided to go for it, please enjoy the following story set in 1962.     Young Miss Donna Walker walked through the neighborhood, tears streaming down her face, as she played her parent's words over and over in her head from earlier that day.   ‘That's not how we do things here, Donna.’ her mother had said.  ‘It’s 1962 remember, you have to learn to be like other kids.  Just talk to your other friends, sweetie.  Don’t forget that the ones who don’t look like you don’t belong.’   Tears streamed down her face.  They wouldn’t stop.  Donna's black hair ended at her shoulders and was still messy since her mother had talked to her in the early afternoon.  Her

Historical Fiction, a New Series About Books

       Hello friends!  Thank you for joining me on another Monday.  If you are here the day I post this or if it is later thank you as well.  This is my 34th post in a row!  I have decided to start another once-a-month series as I think monthly series will help me to stay consistent with my posts and also help me not write each post at the last minute.  Today I will be talking about my favorite books from the historical fiction book genre.  My plan is to write about a different genre one week out of the month, if you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.  I love books and they are a common topic on my blog however I haven't read many books from every genre, for example, therefore I won't be talking about dystopian books any time soon because I haven't read many dystopian books.   Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, I love the way the author takes a time or event in history and crafts fictional characters around it.  I love learning more history but

The Enneagram, My Thoughts and Opinions.

Whether you love it, hate it, or are indifferent, you have probably heard of the enneagram one way or another.  The enneagram is a personality test that seems simple because there are only nine numbers (or types) but there is a lot more to it than that.  That's what I want to focus on, how the enneagram does not confine people but actually teaches them more about themselves.   If you don't know much about the enneagram and would like to learn more you can take a look at these links.  Don't limit it to just this, there is much more information out there if you would like to learn more. ns Keep in mind that each number has a name but if that name doesn't describe you, it doesn't mean you are not that number type.  The first type is called the perfectionist or the reformer, however you don't have to be a perfectionist to be a one and you don't have to be a