The Enneagram, My Thoughts and Opinions.

Whether you love it, hate it, or are indifferent, you have probably heard of the enneagram one way or another.  The enneagram is a personality test that seems simple because there are only nine numbers (or types) but there is a lot more to it than that.  That's what I want to focus on, how the enneagram does not confine people but actually teaches them more about themselves.  

If you don't know much about the enneagram and would like to learn more you can take a look at these links.  Don't limit it to just this, there is much more information out there if you would like to learn more.

Keep in mind that each number has a name but if that name doesn't describe you, it doesn't mean you are not that number type.  The first type is called the perfectionist or the reformer, however you don't have to be a perfectionist to be a one and you don't have to be a one to be a perfectionist (it is very common, however, as most ones are perfectionists).  


If you have not heard of the enneagram here is the biggest thing you need to know.  The enneagram is not about understanding every single thing other people with that number feel, its about resonating with that number's motivation and how they react through that motivation.  The fours feel unique and different and have a desire to make an impact on the world.  They want to express themselves and their individuality.  Their basic fear is that they have no significance.  All you need to do is find each number's motivation and pick which one resonates with you most.  Many fours are creative and love and create some type of art.  You may be a four who does not paint or sing but fours are always creating in some way even if it's not noticeable.  

Enneagram tests 

Most people who are well immersed in the enneagram will say not to take a test.  They are not as reliable, you really just need to read about each number and decide which one makes the most sense to you.  Personally, I think a test can push you in that direction, it's not going to be 100% accurate but at least it can tell you what to research first. This is a really good test because it shows what percent of each number you are, again it may not be very reliable but it is a good place to start.

There are lots of things about the enneagram that you can not rely on, don't take it word for word, not everything that someone says will resonate with you.  Personally, I think it is a good tool to be able to learn more about myself and the people I know.  

Thank you for reading!  Do you know your enneagram number? I happen to be a four. Tell me in the comments below, what do think of the enneagram?  




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