Original Poetry

Most of you know I love writing short stories and I have posted three on here over the past couple of weeks.  I have also written a handful of poems in the past.  I posted some of my favorite poems, poets, and one of my own but today I would like to share more original poems with you all.  

My Original Poems:

Peace is the quiet drumming of rain
In the early morning dawn
Peace is feeling no pain
Or the dew on the soft green lawn
Peace is none but all to gain
So, for now, all I feel is peace

What is peace to me?
A book open on my lap
A nice hot cup of tea
A sweet warm furry cat
A soft blanket, too, you see

Peace for some is falling asleep at night
And waking up early for others
Some its getting the day just right
Or when your finally under the covers
And peace is getting bad things far far out of sight

Peace is the feeling of hope
Everyone knows it is great
So don't just sit around and mope 
There is no time left to waste

Peace may not be 
The same for you or me
But as you see
Everyone has a way of peace

Tired of Waiting
She watches the starlight head turned toward the night sky                          
Nothing but a dream stuck in her mind                                                               
She waits as the stars and moon pass by                                                              


until she is ready to drop her disguise                                                                    
She breaks through the bars 
that have hidden her scars                                                                                      
through all the years past                                                                                    
she doesn't glance back                                                                                           

at the shadows which are cast                                                                                

by the stragglers who are still trying to find their path
She doesn't stop, she breaks through the lies,                                                  
and continues walking towards the sunrise.

I look in a dimly lit room
There were lamps shining bright on the wall
Shadows loomed in the corner
Standing in front of a door standing tall
I open the door to the light so bright,
Step outside and am illuminated in light.  

I Have a Friend
She has the power of words and letters
She’s not often boastful or loud
She’s not close with many but she says that's better
Often her mind is up in the clouds
Nor does she always smile or is awfully proud

But she has the power of stories
Many are peaceful and pretty
But they can be bloody and gory
They have deep meanings but can also be about a small kitty

She'll often write by small lamp light 
And spends hours tapping the keys
She'll continue far into the night 
The end for her seems hardly in sight

She'll wander, and go on walks
Drive to sit and work at a park
To try and get through a writing block
And so you'll always listen when she wants to talk 

And she is most alive in the dark. 



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