
Showing posts from October, 2020

Photos from my Camping Trip

 Last week my family and I went on our annual camping trip and it was wonderful.  It rained lots and so we read but once the rain stopped it left behind an amazing foggy scene, and I got some really cool photos!  I haven't posted any photographs on here before but there's really no reason for that.   ✰✰✰

Books I am Hoping to Read This Fall

 Another Monday another post!  The seasons have changed and one of the best ways to get excited and ready for fall is to read books and listen to music and eat foods that remind you of the season in the best ways.   Rather than my favorite books about fall, I am going to be sharing the list of books that I want to read in the next month or two.  Most likely not all of these books will remind me of fall but for the most part these books are either spooky and mysterious or comforting and warm or just books I am wanting to read next.   No. 1: The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyal I am already in the middle of this book and I am liking it so far.  If you are not familiar with it, this is a Sherlock Holmes story.  I believe that this book could fall under the genre of detective fiction, crime fiction, mystery, or even thriller and I think anything dark and spooky is a good book for October.   "Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson investigate the legend of a supernatural  hound ,

A Couple of Poems

Last week I wrote two poems so I decided I will share them with you today along with a couple of my favorite autumn themed poems!  Out of it we Make  We are all a part, A part of this corrupted world Filled with solitude and pain.   Yet, we are able to improve it, yes, with art And books, and beauty. My finger is curled, Tight, around what is left, as I examine the stain, The stain left by war and blood and I start to dart, I dart away then realize, yes, we may be hurled Into this ugly world with nothing worthy to gain  Yet still, out of it, we make art.  We, humans, create it Without even realizing, we create  We can not quit We understand our fate We won't still, won't sit Not until every color is laid, every syllable straight -a.f.m- (I don't have a title for this one yet, comment your suggestions below!) I can imagine how,  The world shivers and quakes From the billions of people set upon it now  But not, exactly, from their weight.   The world seems to quake from The i

History week: The Unexpected Friendship Between Marilyn Monroe and Ella Fitzgerald

To continue the series of monthly historical stories today we will be talking about Marilyn Monroe and Ella Fitzgerald's friendship.   Our story starts in the 1950s when artists were discriminated against and not allowed to perform in many night clubs regardless of how popular they were.  The Mocomboe was just that, a nightclub that allowed Frank Sinatra to debut but not Ella Fitzgerald because of her race and her size, they said she wasn't "glamorous" enough to perform there.  However that all changed because of Marilyn Monroe.   Before I continue, I must back up a bit.  Marilyn Monroe was instructed by her voice teacher to listen to Ella Fitzgerald record, she listened to it 100 times in a row and fell in love with her voice.  She immediately called the Mocomboe and said that if Ella Fitzgerald would sing at the nightclub she would be there in the front row every single night.   They agreed, having Monroe at the nightclub every night would be amazing publicity.  Whe