
Showing posts from December, 2020

My Thoughts on New Years Resolutions and Goodbye 2020

 Do you make new years resolutions for yourself?  I think it is a fun thing to do at the beginning of a new year, but most of the time they don't last long.  There are many reasons why they are hard to stick to but one of them is high expectations.  Now hear me out.  If you want to work out more, or eat less sugar etc. that is a lot to expect of yourself.  Don't expect too much of yourself, in turn you will achieve much more if you expect less and achieve more than if you expect more and achieve less.   We are creatures of habit, you have probably heard that before.  We like our routines and it never seems to work out if we suddenly change it.  Little steps, you have also probably heard this before, are best to start with if you want to make a big change.   I think the first step to sticking with a goal is having a good motivation, something that you can remind yourself of when you don't feel like doing it to keep you going.  Instead of working out to lose weight, maybe you

Food Related Christmas Traditions

The week of Christmas has crept up on us and so I must write something about Christmas in this second to last Monday of the month.  I am sure every one of you has yearly Christmas traditions, my family does as well and it's one of my favorite parts of Christmas.  Many of them have to do with food, so that's what I am focusing on today.  We'll get to see if we have some of the same traditions.   Orange in your stocking I don't think finding an orange in the bottom of your Christmas stocking is an unusual tradition, but I was curious what it meant and decided to write about it anyway.   This tradition is a symbol and goes all the way back to the true Saint Nicholas story.  It originates in the same place as the stockings.  You've heard the story, Saint Nicholas tosses bags of gold down into three maidens' stockings as they hung by the fire to dry.  The orange represents the gold, landing heavily in the bottom.   Pizza when we set up our decorations  There's no

A Short Story: The Tragedy of Only Dying Once

    Hello friends! I have been quite busy recently- each year I make Christmas gifts and it has been taking up most of my time and I haven't had much time to write. I re-wrote a short story a month or so ago (you might even recognize it from the first version, the first story I ever posted here - which was earlier this year, in March). It was originally called: The imaginary Journal of Sylvia H. I think re-writing previous work can be quite fun, and it really shows how much improvement can happen in a year. So, without further adieu, enjoy the story!     The Tragedy of Only Dying Once The saddest type of forgetting is when it’s one-sided.  When someone holds on to a person so tight and they tie ropes around their ankles to hold them still, but the other person doesn’t notice and they snap, hurting only the person who tied them.   I started tying ropes when I woke up at noon with no one home. It’s been happening more and more recently and I am the only one who notices. The

Original Poetry

I have not shared my poetry for a while now and I have come up with a couple more pieces since then.  I have decided to put a small explanation under some of the poems.  I understand that poetry can be a little hard to understand and some that I write are specifically from a different point of view and so I have explained things like that if they arise.  I hope you enjoy reading something here that I've not shared before.    Promises to Keep I am sorry, but poems are dancing through my head And I can not sleep I must forget about darkness and falling back on my bed Yes, I have promises to keep.    - I write many poems at night, it's probably not the best time to do it but when I can't fall asleep at night, I like thinking up rhymes.   Dressed in my Very Best  I am dressed, And ready to go. Today I am wearing my very best. Into the wind, I hurry away, so  That my hair is pushed back as I leave the nest.  I will not look back, no,  Head pointed forward, I will not second gues