Food Related Christmas Traditions

The week of Christmas has crept up on us and so I must write something about Christmas in this second to last Monday of the month.  I am sure every one of you has yearly Christmas traditions, my family does as well and it's one of my favorite parts of Christmas.  Many of them have to do with food, so that's what I am focusing on today.  We'll get to see if we have some of the same traditions.  

Orange in your stocking

I don't think finding an orange in the bottom of your Christmas stocking is an unusual tradition, but I was curious what it meant and decided to write about it anyway.  
This tradition is a symbol and goes all the way back to the true Saint Nicholas story.  It originates in the same place as the stockings.  You've heard the story, Saint Nicholas tosses bags of gold down into three maidens' stockings as they hung by the fire to dry.  The orange represents the gold, landing heavily in the bottom.  

Pizza when we set up our decorations 

There's not much to explain about this, at least from what I know, it's never had some secret meaning.  But, as long as I can remember, we have ordered pizza when we set up our tree and all other decorations. 

Cinnamon Rolls on Christmas morning

Again, there's not a deeper meaning behind this but for as long as I can remember we eat cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.  Do you eat any special foods on Christmas morning?

I hope you enjoyed this simple post.  Comment all your traditions below, I would love to interact and learn about all the fun things others do on Christmas!  Enjoy your week and enjoy Christmas!



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