
Showing posts from 2021

My Favorite Original Art Pieces From 2021

In this past year I believe I've grown a bit with my art, still, I don't have much to show for it.  Mostly because I didn't really start working consistently on it until the middle of the summer and on, and also because I worked more on long-term paintings (mostly oil paintings) that take longer to finish.  You might have seen most or all of these before but I hope you still enjoy them.  In no particular order at all, here are some of my favorites.  :)  I think it's been a good year.   Thank you for being here.   ✰✰✰

Winter Lines by Mark Strand

It's been a while since I've made a post, I've been from being busy to being sick to busy again. Now, even though it's hasn't been a particularly cold winter so far for me, I found this delightful poem. Paired with it are some winter photos from last year.   I hope you like it too. 

In Passing by Lisel Mueller

I have a busy week ahead and I thought about not making anything at all today, but I found this sweet and short poem and here I am.  I hope you like it.  In Passing  By Lisel Mueller How swiftly the strained honey of afternoon light flows into darkness and the closed bud shrugs off its special mystery in order to break into blossom as if what exists, exists so that it can be lost and become precious

Flowers by Wendy Cope

Flowers by Wendy Cope Some men never think of it. You did. You'd come along And say you'd nearly brought me flowers  But something had gone wrong. . The shop was closed. Or you had doubts - The sort that minds like ours  Dream up incessantly. You thought I might not want your flowers. . It made me smile and hug you then. Now I can only smile. But, Look, the flowers you nearly bought  Have lasted all this while. - Wendy Cope I hope you like this poem and collage that I made, I think it turned out quite well.  All the pictures were taken by me.  Enjoy! 

Journal Entry #2

Journal entry #2 Where do you see yourself in the future?  To tell the truth, when I try to look ahead, to imagine my life in the future, all I get if a hazy blurred picture. I can't easily see myself all grown and living as an adult on my own, though I have tried. That is the plainest way to put it. Not that I think I won't exist, I hope I do, but I am not sure what it will look like.  . I have never been able to imagine myself working a 9-5 desk job with out the story being told in a dreary setting. Maybe the world and media has ground into my head that a desk job must be paired with a monotonous life.     . Now I am not sure where I'll be, but maybe, in the future, I'll look back and read this with fond thoughts for my younger self.   Happy fall and enjoy these pictures I took in the past week!  I took them all with my phone so they are not the most high quality .   Where do you see yourself in the future? If you do wish, comment your answer or your rendition of the

"Mysteries, yes" by Mary Oliver

Happy Monday!  ✩✩✩

Journal Prompt and Entry #1 and Photos From my Camping Trip

Journal entry #1  Prompt: What do you love about the world? There are times when I see parts of the world and I don't like it. Driving home from work at night when the world is filled with headlights, red lights, and wires are everywhere and all so noticable when it's dark outside.  . My family and I came back from a camping trip recently and, deep in a valley with no cell service, it's like a different world. The one we came back to was the same, of course, and I realized that I am not exactly excited about it. Red leaves have much more to them than red lights.  . I think if I lived in the woods or further from the city, just a little, I would be able to wake up, glad for it all, each day. For now I'll sit outside and look out to the field and clouds that sit behind our house, and be glad for all that's there. We'll see what happens later  Enjoy these photos from my camping trip!