Journal Entry #2

Journal entry #2
Where do you see yourself in the future? 

To tell the truth, when I try to look ahead, to imagine my life in the future, all I get if a hazy blurred picture. I can't easily see myself all grown and living as an adult on my own, though I have tried. That is the plainest way to put it. Not that I think I won't exist, I hope I do, but I am not sure what it will look like. 
I have never been able to imagine myself working a 9-5 desk job with out the story being told in a dreary setting. Maybe the world and media has ground into my head that a desk job must be paired with a monotonous life.    
Now I am not sure where I'll be, but maybe, in the future, I'll look back and read this with fond thoughts for my younger self.  

Happy fall and enjoy these pictures I took in the past week!  I took them all with my phone so they are not the most high quality .  

Where do you see yourself in the future? If you do wish, comment your answer or your rendition of the question below. 



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