Bookish Questions Part Two!

 Here is part two of last week's post!  Here are five more fun book related questions. Feel free to pick one or more of your favorite questions to answer in the comments below. I am curious to read your response!  

1. What was the last book you finished in 2020?

The last book I finished in 2020 was Emily of New Moon by L.M Montgomery.  This book also took me quite a while to get through but that's just because my mom was reading it aloud and any book that is read aloud just takes longer.  

2. What book did you expect to like but really didn't?

Last year I read The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald, and I really expected to like it.  In 1959 Florence Green, a kindhearted widow with a small inheritance  risks everything to open a bookshop - the only bookshop - in the seaside town of Hardborough, It sounds interesting enough.  A lady opens a bookshop, meets and deals with interesting people, things happen, and it may or may not work out.  if you are interested in reading this book, stop here and don't read this next part.  Nothing happens in the book.  Once you arrive at the end of the book, the town is exactly where it began.  I suppose something happened if you use the old saying: "you never fail because you now know what doesn't work" but I think that makes for a very boring story.  Still, this book was short and I did feel like I wasted too much of my time.  I suppose I shouldn't have expected too much just because of the pretty cover.  

3. Hardcover or paperback? 

I prefer paperbacks unless the hardbacks can really lay out flat, but also I don't really care that much.  There is a downside of paperbacks for my family, we have a cat who likes to tear up any paper she can find, and so we have to be either really careful about hiding books, which I think we're getting better at or buy more hardbacks.  

4. What's your favorite read of the month so far? 

So far I have read six books this month.  I find rating books and picking favorites very hard and also not very necessary.  I started listening to a new series that my dad and brother suggested called The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher.  I am enjoying them but apparently, the books pick up in the third or fourth and I am on the third right now.  I also read They Called us Enemy by George Takei, I haven't read many graphic novels and I think it was an easy and also fun way to read and learn about a hard topic.  

5. What's a book you bought just because of the cover and what did you think? 

Last year for my birthday I went to Magic City Books, a local Indie bookstore in downtown Tulsa.  I ended up getting a couple of books but I specifically bought The Street by Ann Petry, at first, because of the cover.  The book's description honestly does not do it justice in the least.  The Street tells the poignant often heartbreaking story of Lutie Johnson, a young black woman, and her spirited struggle to raise her son amid the violence, poverty, and racial discrimination of Harlem in the late 1940s.  It sounds interesting enough but I liked it so much more than I expected and it is one of my favorite historical fiction books now.


Thank you for reading! 


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