A Little Change to the Blog

I adore my blog and for over a year I have been gathering things, ideas, and, stories that I love, and putting them in a mixing pot and sharing a little bit of it each week with you. 

But the pot has nearly run dry. I thought I would always have something to post, that no matter how late, something would show up. And for a while that is how it worked out, but recently I haven't been able to think of anything interesting.  I have had no motivation, call it writers block, to write blog posts, stories, or poems. It's difficult because I do want to write but the right words won't come right out. 
Which is why I have decided that it would be better for me to post less often for posts that I worked harder on. I will probably post poems each week when I don't have a full post put together but I have a hard time considering poems full posts. 

I am not cancelling my blog or anything like that and I will still probably post lots of poems as well. Hopefully you all understand and will enjoy the things I come up with in the future. 



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