How I Ruined Writing for Myself and What I am Going to Change

At the beginning of this year, I made a New Year's Resolution for myself as well as one large, and far-fetched goal, that I thought was achievable if I worked hard enough.  I have come to find out that it was a terrible goal.  My goal was this: to get some piece of my writing published.  It could be anything, a short poem or a story.  That probably sounds crazy but I have entered many contests, and there are a lot more of them out there than you would think.  

Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that writing became more of a chore than something I jump to in the morning.  It’s really a terrible feeling, wanting to write and to be happy and excited about it, but just not.  I wasn’t writing to get better or to just write, I was writing to get something published.  Unintentionally, I was putting pressure on myself to write really well so that it would be something I would be proud to enter in a contest and in turn to achieve my goal.  But as I discover more and more, what one thinks is the worst writing, is actually the best.  If you only write to be good, you won’t write anything at all and therefore never write anything good.  Writing with zero pressure produces the most beautiful things.  

That’s why getting something published is no longer my goal this year.  My goal is not to finish anything. Hopefully, I will, but my goal is to write a lot.  It is to write lots of silly things and lots of bad things too, it’s to be interesting and to explore.  I haven’t even been writing seriously for that long, at this stage in my life I need to write just to write, to get words on the page and discover what I really love creating.

Thank you for reading!

This is my first real post in a while and I know that it is short but I hope you enjoyed it.

Now, go write something silly and see what amazing things can come out of it!



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