"The Sky of Life" a Poem by Me

All the photos, except the sun set, we're taken at Crystal Bridges Museum of Art. 

Enjoy! <3

"The Sky of Life" by Abby McLean 

The world rattles on
On rusty hinges, 
Cracked doors,
And through clogged tunnels

And we’re expected to move
Through them

Either that or 

The world moves on
On a conveyor belt of sorts 
Always moving 

And we’re expected to move
With it

It’s the first of September,
I lay back on a bench
Sweltering in the heat
And watching the clouds 
Change shape 
Above me

Then I have the idea

That maybe the picture of life 
Doesn’t have to be continuously moving forward
Maybe a better image would be 
the clouds
Or the sky

The clouds and rain and lightning move around it
Like people and things, in our own lives

But the sky is rarely alone
And neither are we 

Even though it is the first
Of the month
And I am melting 
Under the sky

I watch the clouds
Move on
And try to be impartial as they go
And excited, if I can,
For the ones on the way.


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