Don't Hesitate by Mary Oliver

Happy Monday!  If you didn't notice, there was no post last week because my family and I went camping (pictures coming soon). Last week was the first Monday I have ever missed a post. I have gone from being really motivated and writing every week, to posting (mostly) posts that I wasn't proud of but putting out because it was a Monday, to saying to myself, and others, that I will make simple posts revolving around a poem, that still take quite a bit of work, to being where I am now and being okay with skipping a week. I actually did finish this post last week but wasn't able to schedule it in time and I wanted to do what we go camping to do: live in the moment and take time to breath. So you know what, I'm okay with missing October 11ths post. 

Please enjoy this beautiful piece of writing by Mary Oliver, my favorite poet. I hope it will brighten your Monday just a little. 




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