Journal Entery #3

 As the year comes to an end there are thoughts and hopes of new beginnings. . . 

I understand the glamor and love of the new year, the promise of a new start, but I think some people give it more than it's worth.  Originally this journal entry was going to be paired with last week's post but I thought, why not separate it and make it a two-part new years series.  In last week's post, I shared some fictional beginnings and now, some of my own thoughts on the new year.  

I might have different opinions if I had had a bad year, but I didn't.  My year ebbed and flowed like most do but my pits peaked again, I had highs and lows, I can't call that bad.  Still, how does writing 1/1 (or January 1st), in a journal or at the top of a task list, really matter that much?  I have found typical new years resolutions, such as working out more, eating healthily, or waking up earlier, never seem to work out well for me.  I am prone to stray from many routines and if I want to start working out more, I will start when I feel like it.  After all, what if I don't feel like it on January 1st?  I won't tell myself that I will do it every single day, because if I don't it's okay and it's not worth beating myself up over.   I tell myself that I'll do my best or I might end up hating it in the end.  

I do have some hopes for the new year, however.  I hope to do something creative, something small at least, every day, or just as often as I can.  A sketch, a piece of writing, or a painting, are the ones I am most prone to complete but I would include making jewelry or sewing.  I might document some of my creative pieces on my Instagram but I won't every day.  I'm going to be flexible with it, if I miss a day it's all right, and I am the judge of what I do each day. 

Thank you for reading!  

Do you thrive off starting something new at the beginning of the new year or does it not work as well for you? 


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