The Bug Man's House, a poem by me, Abby M.

From floor to ceiling, rising

Up, are butterflies, bugs, and bees 

No longer writhing or striving 

To survive, you see

They are pinned in place, not hiding

But displayed to see, for you and me.

Up the hill, three children roamed

And explored that day,

To peek into the bug man’s home 

It was early into the month of may 

The first window they peaked in,

Was the bathroom 

It was bees and grasshoppers that affronted them from within

Thankfully, no one was using the room.

The three friends watched, unable to move, as the doorknob began to spin 

A woman stepped through, 

She saw them right away 

For only a moment she withdrew 

Holding beetles in a display, 

Her hair was short and of the darkest hue,

It was only a moments delay 

Before up her face, a smile grew.

Still terrified of what she would say, they were dismayed 

When she lunged and threw

Open the window and set down the display 

“And who, may I ask, 

Are you, peeking into my house on a school day?”  

Bruce was given the task 

Of explaining them away.  

“Well, you see, we’ve heard so much 

About the bug man’s house that we 

thought we could stop by and no one would judge.

Besides, school is out today, you see.” 

He finished with a smile and gave each friend a nudge.

“Alright,”  she said, “would you like to 

come in, would you like some tea?” 

They nodded and waited for her to take them into 

The house, around a round table, and she 

Brought them tea and cookies colored blue,

And talked about how the house came to be until the three

We’re tired and wanted something new.  

“Thank you for talking, all about bugs,” 

This time, Rose began, 

She shifted, bumping the mugs, 

“But we were wondering if we could talk to the bug man?”  

The woman froze, 

She rolled her eyes and looked a bit upset 

“But who do you suppose

You have been talking to all this time, yet

I see you don’t know but also that I didn’t disclose, 

That I am and have always been the bug man!

I don’t know why  it’s assumed 

That I am a man and not a woman,

But people don’t care to find the truth so they remain confused.”  

That day, at the beginning of May, 

Was not what the three friends had thought would fall 

Into place in their days 

Truth is, the bug man isn't a man at all!  

Thank you for reading!

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