
Showing posts from May, 2022

Zooming In, an Illustrated Poem by Me

The Poem Recently. . .  The world has feelt heavy recently and that feeling seems so come much easier then... the obvious lighteness  of the spring wind  through the overgrown grass in our backyard.  I read some advice recently, about how bad times and thoughts will come and go, and how you should let it pass though, you'll have to live life anyways,  people smile all the time even if they don't feel it one bit,  so you might as well set down as much  of the weight of the world as you can.  As a friend once said,  imagine the sky to be your life, the sky will be blue, cloudy, and stormy.  Storm clouds will come but they are not the end though they might stay for awhile,  Let them pass and don't attach yourself to those feelings.  Well, I will continue to write my little poems and stories, and paint and draw, and to learn, The best I can. Though I really have no idea what I'm doing.  It will be ok.  ☆☆☆

The Man With the Colorful Face, Poem and Art Piece

The Man With the Colorful Face   Yesterday I saw an old man With life seeping from his cracks And wrinkles. People, these days, think of being old As painful and dibilitating, They think of walking with a cane And joints, hips, and knees that crack And break They think of people who are a little more Breakable  Then everyone else. As if the consequence of living long Is pain. When I saw this old man  I saw color,  life,  seeping From his cracks and wrinkles  In a way it doesn't For people without them. As if the consequence of living long Is something more.  The pain and color from the years Mixed up in the watercolor pallet Of this man's life, Is something I can only inaccurately describe As beautiful. Maybe language doesn't quite have a word For that man I saw Who walked with a cane, And a drooping sort of pain, And color seeping from his face.  abby m.

Differences of Opinion by Wendy Cope
