The Man With the Colorful Face, Poem and Art Piece

The Man With the Colorful Face 
Yesterday I saw an old man
With life seeping from his cracks
And wrinkles.
People, these days, think of being old
As painful and dibilitating,
They think of walking with a cane
And joints, hips, and knees
that crack
And break
They think of people who are a little more
Then everyone else.
As if the consequence of living long
Is pain.
When I saw this old man 
I saw color, 
From his cracks and wrinkles 
In a way it doesn't
For people without them.
As if the consequence of living long
Is something more. 
The pain and color from the years
Mixed up in the watercolor pallet
Of this man's life,
Is something I can only inaccurately describe
As beautiful.
Maybe language doesn't quite have a word
For that man I saw
Who walked with a cane,
And a drooping sort of pain,
And color seeping from his face. 

abby m.


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