"The World Becomes Art," and Some Other Recent Thoughts (Journal Entry No. 4)

Recently I have been *attempting* to delve more into self portrait drawings of the quick sketch kind and I think I've figured something out.  That is that drawing myself makes me feel more beautiful.   For a bit it takes my mindset out of critical thoughts, to an artists mindset, relating to myself.  

I have this idea that every human on this earth is really quite beautiful.  It's an idea that has often excluded myself.  Everyone is beautiful because everyone is art.  It sounds the tiniest bit silly and impossible writing it here but I guess you're just going to have to trust me.  Often times when I see a person or a place I think of it as a painting or art piece.  Most people - to societal's crap standards - are very imperfect but very beautiful I say.  Someone's bowlegged stance is a rough sketch, barely there, a scar from nose to lip indicating a past cleft lip is a thick brushed ink portrait, and a crooked smile so big the eyes are almost completely closed, is a quick and vibrant sketch with oils. What's more perfect than that? 

Now I say all this in a slightly embellished, fancy way, and I made up those examples just now, but I think another artist or a photographer or (there's probably many other people I just can't think of them), can attest that when you think about your art so much during the day, the world becomes art.  When everything has the potential to be art the world and people in it become a bit kinder too. 

Now back to the subject of self portraits... I am not sure that I have really been able to capture myself like I've hoped in my quick self portraits, but that's neither here nor there.  In the past I've had the thought, "is this narcissistic or self absorbed to want to draw myself?" Maybe you think it's obviously not, or maybe you had the same thought.  I hope you didn't, though if you did you probably don't know me.  I am the only one who can make the exact expression or tilt of the head that I want to practice drawing and if I use a picture of myself to draw I don't have to spend half my time searching for a reference.  Besides I've spend many a year with not the best self confidence believing I am not really a very cool cat.  What's so wrong with switching it up? ;) 

Do you have any thoughts on this subject?  If you're an artist have you delved into self portraits at all?  Have you ever had this mindset or thought of the world?  Answer below if you wish!  

Hey, P.S here's a photo my sista took of me (with my new camera might I add) during our recent camping trip.     

Thanks for reading! 


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