Friends and foes, it's been a hot minute, my last post was on Jan. 3rd and a bit has changed. I've noticed that there tends to be a period of time where I don't post when I go through a time of change or transition period of some sort. Classes have started again. I have four classes this semester: Art History Survey (online), Composition II, Drawing 1, and French 1. Here are my quick first week impressions. Art history is interesting so far, we just finished going over the stone age and prehistoric art which is... old. People really have been drawing for all of time, before they could explain why they wanted to draw, they drew. This is a big part of art history, deciphering the people's why. I also got a 10/10 on my first quiz! My Comp II professor is... bizarre but a very interesting man I'll say that. He has a doctorate and wrote his dissertation on stand up comedy. That's what the class is about, humor and comedy, whic...