23 Book I Hope to Read in 2023

Happy New!  It's been awhile since I have posted anything, and I don't want to wait too long and stop entirely so I thought I would write a fun and simple post for you today about one my my favorite things, reading and books!  

I would like to preface this by saying that comparison is an evil I would encourage you to avoid.  Everyone's lives are different so if 23 books (or 12 books!) is your goal for this entire year, that's fine and fantastic, and if you read far more than me, that's fine too.  Last year my goal was to read 65 books and I ended up reading 86.  This year my goal is going to be 85.  My life is really busy now and I don't know how much time I am going to have so I didn't wanna stretch my goal too much.   

Now onward, here are 23 books I am hoping to read this year along with some rapid fire fun facts about the books: 

1. Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree

  • I got this books for Christmas! 
  • It's high fantasy and supposedly very cozy as well  

2. Dream Work by Mary Oliver 

  • I am in love with Mary Oliver's poetry
  • This is one of her poetry collections that looks and sounds really beautiful.  

3. The Sound of A Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey 

  • This was recommended by a youtuber who talks about books that I really enjoy (her channel is allisonpaiges if you're interested).  
  • Plus it sounds interesting and adorable! 

4. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

  • A (pretty popular) high fantasy book that I have been meaning to read for awhile with interesting sounding characters.  

5. You'll be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus 

  • Started listening to this with my mom last year, got busy, so it's still on the list
  • A murder mystery that has a similar story line to Ferris Bueller's day off (sooo cool)!   

6. A Gentlemen in Moscow by Amor Towles

  • Historical Fiction 
  • A good friend said this one was one of her very favorites from last year so I'm sold!  

7. Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Future by Merlin 

  • Non-fiction about fungi (as you can probably tell from the title..) 
  • I also started this one last year and just wasn't in the mood (I suppose) to read non-fiction even though I find it very interesting so it's still on the shelf.  

8. Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns 

  • I don't really know what this is about but the cover looks cool.. and though I don't actually have the book it has been on my Wishlist for a while.  

9. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood 

  • A graphic novel 
  • Was also recommended by the previously mentioned youtuber and I have been LOVING graphic novels so I will read every single one I find.  

10.  A Winter's Promise by Christelle Dabos, Hildegarde Serle 

  • High fantasy 
  • I have read a page or two of this every time I go to Barnes & Noble so I think this year will be the year that I just buy it (or get it from the library) and read it.  

11. A Prayer for the Crown Shy (and it's sequel: A Psalm for the Wild-Built) by Becky Chambers 

  • Yet another one written by the youtuber I mentioned (it was actually her favorite book of 2022), though I am unsure if our reading preferences match, I still am interested in each book she loves.  

12. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 

  • I actually don't really know much about this one, though I have heard it's very character driven and that's something I'm interested in.  
  • Plus, the cover is quite cool.  

13. The Shadows by Vincent Zabus, Hippolyte

  • A graphic novel
  • The author is German so it's also translated! 

14. Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

  • Another one I started in 2022 and have been slowly making my way though.  

15. A Gift for a Ghost by Borja Gonzalez, Lee Douglas 

  • A graphic novel
  • Don't know much at all about his one but it looks beautiful! As I said, I'll read any graphic novel (especially if it looks beautiful), and even if they don't end up being my favorite I never feel like my time was wasted.  

16. Woman on Fire by Lisa Barr 

  • Oh look! Another book I don't know much about!  
  • A couple months ago this was one of Barns & Nobles books of the month so I put it on my list and it's been sitting there ever since.  

17 The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O'Neill 

  • Another graphic novel! 
  • Another book recommended by allisonpaiges! 
  • Another on that looks beautiful and wonderful! 

18. Ariadne by Jennifer Saint

  • Greek myth retelling
  • Besides that I don't know much about this one, though my mom said I should read this one last year so there's that.   

19. A Castle in the Clouds, Kerstin Gier, Romy Fursland

  • Set in the Swiss mountains!! 
  • Synopsis sounds fantastic.  

20. If Cats Disappeared from the World by Genki Kawamura, Eric Selland 

  • I mean come on.. the title is pretty much all needed to put this one one my list.  
  • Translated from Japanese! 

21. The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin 

  • High Fantasy
  • My dad really likes this book so I'd like to read it too :).  

22. Lonely Castle in the Mirror, Mizuki Tsujimara

  • Yet another one recommended by allisonpaiges! 
  • Also translated from Japanese.  

23. A Nature Poem for Every Night of the Year by Jane McMorland Hunter 

  • I got this one for Christmas! 
  • I hope to read a poem each day so if I don't forget I will finish this at the very end of the year.  

Alright! There you have it, 23 books I hope to read in 2023 and a short bit about each one.  I hope you liked em.  Post any comments or questions bellow if you wish to!  



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