Colored pencil drawings and an "update" on my first week of classes (1/23/2023)

Friends and foes, it's been a hot minute, my last post was on Jan. 3rd and a bit has changed.  I've noticed that there tends to be a period of time where I don't post when I go through a time of change or transition period of some sort.  

Classes have started again. I have four classes this semester: Art History Survey (online), Composition II, Drawing 1, and French 1.  Here are my quick first week impressions.  Art history is interesting so far, we just finished going over the stone age and prehistoric art which is... old.  People really have been drawing for all of time, before they could explain why they wanted to draw, they drew.  This is a big part of art history, deciphering the people's why.  I also got a 10/10 on my first quiz! 

My Comp II professor is... bizarre but a very interesting man I'll say that.  He has a doctorate and wrote his dissertation on stand up comedy.  That's what the class is about, humor and comedy, which is, as he says, such a universal experience but also so personal.  Buttttt our first essay is due this Friday and I am a bit nervous (sure it's supposed to be short but still).  It is on "what makes you laugh," so I have been asking random people in my life and have received some.. bizarre answers.

I have done one "session" of French homework (it felt like a session at least to me but I just did all the assignments at once that took 1 1/2 hours) and it felt a little bit like a video game.  It was kind of fun.  Though I really didn't do the best at pronouncing certain sounds in the alphabet, some sounds in the French alphabet are ones we don't even have in English.  I also think the computer didn't understand and I should have gotten some of them right when I didn't.  

Finally in my art class, my teacher doesn't really look like an art guy at all.  That's okay, he's really nice and there have been several moments where he is clearly extremely passionate in an extremely inspiring way.  There was a moment when he was talking about how his personal art preferences and opinions have changed as he's gotten older and I think I understand a lot better why that "modern art" that your 2 year old could do is real art that you're two year old can't do.  I might not be able to describe it in the way he did though.  He's kind of goofy but a really nice and encouraging guy.  We did 15 or more 2 minute gesture drawings during our second day of class, he told me something on my page looks nice and I'm not exactly sure how... but it's fine I'm still developing my "artist's eye" in a way that I haven't before. 


Alright, now for some art!  I have had these drawings finished for a while and I am pretty proud of them (particularly the first one).  I adore adore adore putting quotes along with my drawings, I hope you like them too!  

Thanks for reading and viewing!  

Comment any thoughts of feelings or anything you'd like, I love it when the occasional comment pops up! 


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