More About Change

Why is it so Hard

Last week I wrote only a bit on change.  I didn't have much time to write so I couldn't expand as much as I would like to.  I noted how many people I know (and most people, I think) have a hard time going through large changes.  I can agree to this as well (depending how large the change is, of course).  Today I am going to go through points and reasons why I think many people have a hard time going through change.  Some are my own, unaffected opinions, and others some points I found through simple reaserch.

I believe hard or large changes are good simply because they are necesary.  One would have a very hard and sad life if they were not able to go through changes and make it on the other side without awful things happening in the middle (which is actually what I think happans to many people, so let me rephrase).  One would have a very hard and sad life if they have panic attacks every time things change.  Most likely that still happens somewhere but as I said: a hard, sad life.  

First off, a reason I think people could have a hard time with change is due to some circumstances they were in when they went through change in their younger years.  I think it's sad when young children have tough childhoods where they are put in circumstances that they don't understand.  If a young child is going through something that makes them sad and upsets them yet they don't know why they feel this way, they don't know how to go through what they are feeling because they are too young.  I think this can happen.  For example, if a child parents split up when they are really young.  I am very fortunate and this has not happened to me.  I think this is sad but it happens and I think it can affect when the children grow up and into their adult years.  

Oh, do we love our routines and habits!  Fun fact, when I was younger my mom instituted what we called the Fabulous Five.  Five good things to get in the habit of doing before breakfast.  1. Brush your teeth.  2. Comb your hair.  3. Tidy up your room.  4. Make your bed.  5. Get dressed.  Getting into good habits is always a good idea but sometimes change messes up our habits, routines, and our internal clock.  This is another case where it could make one frustrated and upset but not realize the reason.  

Along with the last one, change creates uncertainty.  Not knowing whether or not the next time you move forward on the wooden steps will they be rotten underneath and you will fall through.  People hate to be uncertain about what is going to happen next in life.

Change is hard because. . .  (listen up folks because this is a big one!) we focus on the negative aspects of the change.  

↑ I think when people say "CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!" that it can be confusing.
Being young and confused about life, I understand this as well: I think everything would be so much easier if people would just say what they meant.  Stop beating around the bush, there is no need for that.  Be direct in a kind way (I realize that is hard for some people too).  I mean when people say "change your mindset," what does that even mean?  Some people just know and others don't, so you have to be more clear.

If you are having a hard time going through change right now, do this: make a list.  You can make a list about any thing and simple lists are a perfect way to organize your tasks and thoughts (I prefer using bullet points).  Sit down with a pen and paper and make a list of all the good things that will come out of the hard (or even easy) change you are going through.  This may be difficult for someone especially if the change is an obviously hard one.  But every time you are feeling sad and upset about it, go back to your list and read it.

There you have it!  A couple reasons change may be hard for you.  I don't believe any of these things are going to change how hard it is when you go through uncertain times in your life but its good to notice what's happaning so you can be aware.

Thank you for reading! If you have any topic suggestions for me to write about I would love to hear your ideas in the comments.

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  1. You have asked for Topic Suggestions so... well... here you go.

    1. Do you think your are *meant* to do something in your life?
    2. What is beauty? What does beauty mean?
    3. Is it possible to waste time?

  2. For YOU! What defines uniqueness and mediocrity?

  3. Does the temperature of ice cream massively effect ones experience of enjoyment? For me as ice cream melts so does my enjoyment of the ice cream itself...

  4. Why does coffee or caffeine help a human to poop? How does one fall alseep with their eyes open?


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