My Process, How I Write my Blog Posts and Other Forms of Writing

The hardest part of writing my blog posts is coming up with the ideas.  I have slowly started working earlier instead of the day before.  Somehow, even when I write it the day of, I still write something to post.  To be completely honest there is not much of a process for my blog posts.  I just have an idea and write about it.  I constantly have a mental file tucked into my head that is always running and looking for post ideas.  In that way, the process is constant and continual.  

Blog posts 

It seems I always stare at a blank document for a few moments before I can collect my words.  if I am writing about something sequential or where I am talking about a list of things for example my post about books or art, I always start by making that list.  Then I write a bit about each thing if I am having a hard time finding what to write I will just write something short because I know I am going to come back to it anyways.  

Short Stories 

I have never written any sort of outline for my story, most of the time I just have a plan in my head on where the story is going to go.  Sometimes I don't even have that and I just write.  I have been writing a lot of historical fiction recently and can you guess what I have been doing quite a bit of? Researching!  I decided to turn a short story into a bigger project and I want it to be historically accurate even more now.   


I am working on one novel right now and the process is slightly similar to my short story process.  I have been working on an outline and researching for several months now.  The story had taken quite a while to flush out through my outline and I am still not quite done.  I have also written a couple scenes as well that I had in my head and didn't want to forget.  


I almost always write poetry when I am not trying.  For this reason, I don't have a process.  Just keep in mind that poems require editing and rewording just like other forms of writing, even though they are shorter and won't require as much editing as short stories.  

That is all I have today about my process in different forms of writing.  A couple of weeks ago I posted something similar to this one.  However, I truly enjoy writing so I wanted to share some more about different things that I write weekly and how.  

Recently I started following the writing tips hashtag on Instagram so I wanted to share one of the gems that I really liked.  

"You have to surrender to your mediocrity, and just write.  Because it's hard, really hard, to write even a crappy book.  But it's better to write a book that kind of sucks rather than no book at all, as you wait around to magically become Faulkner.  No one is going to write your book for you and you can't write anybody's book but your own." -Cheryl Strayed

Thank you for reading!  I would like to leave you with one more thing.  As I said at the beginning of this post, the hardest part of writing my blog posts is coming up with an idea.  So if you have any concept or idea that interests you, I would love to hear about it and maybe I'll write a blog post!  



  1. When it comes to writing, i swear by a good outline - even if it takes months. Its always been an invaluable resource to me to create a "plot tree" diagram before i start a project.

  2. Yes! I will have to try using a plot tree, I never have.


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