
Showing posts from February, 2020

Another One About Writing

Stuck? F or all of my friends who write: what do you write when you're stuck?  That is kinda how I am feeling right now; stuck.  I have many titles for possible posts that I saved as drafts but I am not sure where I was going with them when I wrote them down (I am sure it will come to me later).  As I said, I am stuck so I have decided to write about some tips I have for you if you are stuck.  Yes, I have decided to not use any of these tips and write about them instead.  (Also don't worry, not all of my posts will be about writing and books😄) Most of the time when ever I get stuck when writing (a blog post, specifically) it is because I don't have a topic.  When I find something I am interested in, enjoy, and want to write about, I am pretty much set.  I also think you have to be in the mood to write.  Ninety percent of the poems I have written were at 1 o'clock am and written with the faint glow of my alarm clock so I am able jot down some slightly readabl


Books  Books.  One of my favorite conversations with some of my favorite people is talking about  books. I love hearing peoples favorite books and recommendations. I want to know  what books made you cry and which ones you would and wouldn't read again. I also prefer to read and formulate my own opinions on books that other people didn't always  love.  But lets talk about some of my favorite books and suggestions for different situations. The Great Gatsby  I read this book three days before January 1st, 2020 and finished it in three days. I also really  enjoyed it. Someone told me I wouldn't like this book so the next day I bought it and  finished it three days later ready to prove them wrong. But no, I seriously liked it, I am  not sure everyone would though. The book was set in the '20s so I thought it was  perfect to read right before 2020. It started out pretty chill; just this

A Writer

The Definition of a Writer A writer is someone who writes. If someone came up to me and spat that sentence in my face I wouldn’t necessarily disagree. I just believe I have a greater definition. A writer is someone whose mind is flooded and overflowed with words. They are constantly coming up with phrases and words. They mentally switch out previous words for more powerful ones in the everlasting inner stories. A writer is someone who wakes up every morning and begins creating poems as they drink their daily cup of coffee or tea and watch the sunrise in all its splendor. A writer is someone who comes up with a poem or story before they fall asleep or when they wake up at two am and have to write it  down with the faint glow of their alarm clock or any other light source in arms length. A writer often can’t sleep for the countless and endless words. Don’t worry, a writer is never bored, they always h

Enjoy the Little Things

Enjoy the Little Things A phrase blurted, uttered, whispered, and declared from so many people but how many people truly  take notice of the simple yet beautiful happenings day to day? Did you notice your daily cup of coffee tasted especially good yesterday? Or your piano, violin, or guitar song is taking great leaps in improvement?  Did you notice how happy you are that a song you have been working hard on is moving forward on the scale from good to great.  I believe there are so many joys that come with life.  And a big one has to be the happenings people call little.  Amazing, spectacular, adventurous things are not going to happen every  day so noticing things in life that, to the naked eye, may not fall under a column  with those adjectives might make life a whole lot better during the routine day to day.  A little while ago I noticed the sky decided to paint.  If you ride home with your nose pointed down you you might miss when the sky