A Short Story or a Novel?

A Short Story or a Novel? 

This will be short- short and sweet as I always say.

A couple of weeks ago I watched a video about short stories.  Not far into the video the person who was speaking gave her definition of what a short story is versus a novel, here's what she said: "A novel focuses on a journey that transforms the character whereas a short story focuses on an event that changes or reveals the character."  (A short story being only 2,500 words in general.)  This is good to know because it helps writers to decide if their idea is better suited for a novel or a short story.
This has been on my mind for a while.  Towards the beginning I was not sure why this lingered on my mind but after awhile came up with an analogy.

If you are going through a time in your life where at every corner you turn and see something rough, strange or uncertain, you need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself: is this a time in my life just an event that will change me or is this a journey that will change my character deep inside forever?  Is this just a short story or a novel?  Of course, just like writers, you must decide that for yourself and how you want to look at what you are going through at the time being.

This analogy can be very interesting and helpful to think of at times and at other times not as much.  Just as the saying "this is just a chapter, not your whole novel" is true, I also believe visualizations are helpful when going through uncertain times and this is one way to visualize life.  

Thank you for reading! 

Here is the video I mentioned about short stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8DellQae18&t=83s
I hope you are all enjoying reading a short (sometimes not so short) weekly page written by me!
I have to admit, I am beginning to run out of ideas so, if you have any topics you would love for me to put into words, please write them below and I will consider writing about it!  I love hearing anyand all suggestions you might have and I would love to write more about what you all are interested in.



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