
What Inspires You? 

These days people find inspiration anywhere.  There are many ways that someone would put their work out into the world and I find it wonderful how many people put their work out there to inspire someone else.  I work in several different arts so I am always looking for many different types of inspiration.


We live in such an inspirational world, some days it gives me goosebumps!  Right now, outside my window the sky is enveloped in clouds.  They are littered across the sky in the most amazing way, and filled with color and texture, perfect for painting.  As an artist, clouds come naturally to me.  I love the texture of clouds and I love all the beautiful Oklahoma skies.  I am able to see inspiration every day right out my window.  Using assets like Pinterest and looking at images that inspire me is also something I do daily. 


Many sources inspire more than one thing for me.  For example, Pinterest and seeing what other people have done inspires me to try something similar.  Something else that inspires my photography is... everything.  I think my surroundings, nature, people, animals, light, the sky, everything when looked at in the right light and in the right angle makes me want to pick up my camera.  


When writing and playing (mostly playing) music and when I find new songs to work on I get inspired to work on my other songs.  It doesn't always work like that but I often start new songs and it puts me on a roll.  I think listing to music and being on the lookout for something new is important and always helps to inspire.


Inspiration for writing is the one that comes least often.  I can tell you I am always on my toes looking for ideas that I deem important and meaningful or simply something I find interesting.  Every once in a while I will spend some time scrolling through writing prompts.  Often, I don't find anything but every once in a while I do and I experiment with it.   I think writing prompts are so interesting because fifty people could use the same writing prompt some way in their story but every single story will be different.   I have heard that sometimes dreams can inspire stories.  I have never used one of my dreams in a story mostly because most of my dreams are so strange and don't follow much of a plot, however, I could definitely try twisting the initial dream and turning it into a short story.  When I have a story going then I find that I have lots fun looking through Pinterest for character inspiration.  I have found that it helps me develop their characters by finding photos that are, at least, similar to how I imagine them. 

However, the biggest and my favorite way to get inspired, that I definitely don't do enough, has got to be working creatively with another person that I trust and feel comfortable around.  Truly, it's an amazing thing when two people get together and slide into that creative mindset and start shooting ideas off each other, it is so inspiring to be in the middle of that.  Maybe I am especially missing this since we can't see people right now and have those moments but I know I will never take it for granted again.

Here are just a few images that have been inspiring me recently!  I have many art photos and also some recent character inspiration photos.  @robinclontsart  Emily Mackey on Instagram: “I was a painting fiend this weekend! It dumped rain all day and night so it was a perfect excuse to stay cozy in the studio. I painted this…”ClaraRUSSELL


Thank you all for reading! 

I hope you enjoyed reading about what inspires me, post what inspires you in the comments!



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