My Favorite Quote Pictures

Hey everyone!  I hope you are all doing splendidly.  This month I am working on the second draft of my book, it's a lot of writing for one month along so almost the entirety of my free time had been going towards writing,  I haven't had much time for anything else.  Let me know if you would like to hear about it! 

I adore quotes, some might say I collect them, but I do have several absolute favorites to share with you today.  Every photo paired with these is my own and I use Pics Art to put the quote images together.  


So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” 


“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”


"I have been bent and brokenbut—I hopeinto a better shape."


"It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world."

Thank you for reading!  

Did you find any of your favorite quotes on my list?  Comment one or a couple of your favorites below!  



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