
Showing posts from 2023

Thoughts while running, 6/1/23

Sometimes i think the poetic words i say or think are poetic only to me And only when i am in one of my "every other Tuesday' poetic moods, when life and every dirty slug in it means something.  Like when a crushed can of beer is more than just trash and more like a sentence from the story of what occurred the night before. Just like when the song 'business' by Eminem is more than a song and actually the secret ingredient to the motivation juice that keeps my legs moving while I'm on a run (it's something about the beat idk). And the the creepy shirtless men i pass by are more than strangers and more like motivation to run faster, they're beings I'm used (in different forms) to that make the pain from my blisters (formed from four days of restless runs) vanish until the men streets behind.  So maybe it's all irrational, all slightly not there, like the beauty i find from the grubbiest parts of the world and in the letters that decorate e

The Last Paragraph of my Art History Paper - Just Because :)

 Hey all!  I turned this paper in yesterday.. I am not sure if this one was my best work, I got really tired with it and just ended up submitting it without reading over it again.  I mean I did work on it a lot don't get me wrong.  This essay is about ancient narrative art and how it can tell us about the culture and life of the time through the story depicted.  I discussed the Warka Vase (ca. 3300 BCE), the Judgement of Hunefer (ca.  1290-1275 BCE), and Achilles and Ajax Playing a Dice Game (ca. 540-530). Anyway!  As the title promised here is the last paragraph of the essay, not sure why but I kind of like it!  "Humans have been creating stories through art before the invention of writing.  Narrative art is extremely common in ancient times if you consider how many ways stories and tales can be told.  I learned a great deal just researching three styles and pieces and it made me realize how it doesn’t matter how much time has passed between now and ancient times, the need t

The Thing is, Ellen Bass

The Thing is   Ellen Bass to love life, to love it even  when you have no stomach for it  and everything you've held dear  crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,  your throat filled with the silt of it.  When grief sits with you, its tropical heat  thickening the air, heavy as water  more fit for gills than lungs;  when grief weights you like your own flesh  only more of it, an obesity of grief,  you think, How can a body withstand this?  Then you hold life like a face  between your palms, a plain face,  no charming smile, no violet eyes,  and you say, yes, I will take you  I will love you, again. ♡♡♡

Do Not Be Ashamed - journal entry no. 5

For a long time my outlook on saying 'I love you' has been, save it. In other words don't overuse it or it will mean less when you say it to someone you really love vs. when you say it to someone because you really love the thing they just said or did. You're welcome for that run on sentence. I think my viewpoint has changed. For one, the phrase is just that, a phrase, it wasn't created in this world with an economic value that goes up or down depending on how much it is or isn't used. It doesn't work like that. I also believe telling someone you love them because you truly do love them, you love how they have existed and showed up in your life, is very distinct from the I love you to someone who did or said something awesome. Of course the two can overlap as well. Finally I think that we are at a place in the world where sharing and spreading love (didn't plan to get this cliché *eye roll*) is important. Don't be ashamed of telling someone t

Moon-Rise, Jean Starr Untermeyer - a poem to remind you that life is beautiful

MOON-RISE We walked contentedly along,  So at home in the night,  That when I saw a cozy, yellow moon  Reflected in a warm and shallow pool,  It seemed the comfortable lamp on my table  Mirrored in my cup of tea. ♡♡♡

In Passing by Lisel Mueller - poem to remind you that life is beautiful

Pretty soon it will be a month since my last post.. I am not sure that anyone reads my posts but I still like, or at one point liked, making them.  I've been really busy and stressed with school recently so my weekly posts have been pushed to the side.  Here's my plan: I have acquired many poms that I adore and find beautiful that remind me about the beauty of life.  For the next four to six weeks I will post a poem on here as well as on my Instagram.  I hope that you like reading a possibly new poem or receiving a reminder that life can be beautiful as well.    In Passing How swiftly the strained honey  of afternoon light  flows into darkness and the closed bud shrugs off  its special mystery  in order to break into blossom: as if what exists, exists  so that it can be lost  and become precious Lisel Mueller ♡♡♡

"under lavender skies" a poem I wrote awhile ago

Because my being enamored with the sky hasn't ended since creating this blog, here's another poem about the sky enjoy it or don't but don't tell me if you don't. Have a GrEaT monday!  We are set under a blue sky, flying down the road late to work at least it's nice outside on a bright new morning but whether we are late or not we are set down to live  We are set down  under a black and navy sky to gaze up in wonder, to cry questions of confusion  but to hope Under a red, orange colored sky determined once again a gold, purple, blue, lavender sky  to get lost in the marvels of  the world in creation, in art, in ideas,  in all there is to be true and real  under lavender skies  abby m. 

The First Drawings in my New Sketchbook


Colored pencil drawings and an "update" on my first week of classes (1/23/2023)

Friends and foes, it's been a hot minute, my last post was on Jan. 3rd and a bit has changed.  I've noticed that there tends to be a period of time where I don't post when I go through a time of change or transition period of some sort.   Classes have started again. I have four classes this semester: Art History Survey (online), Composition II, Drawing 1, and French 1.  Here are my quick first week impressions.  Art history is interesting so far, we just finished going over the stone age and prehistoric art which is... old.  People really have been drawing for all of time, before they could explain why they wanted to draw, they drew.  This is a big part of art history, deciphering the people's why.  I also got a 10/10 on my first quiz!  My Comp II professor is... bizarre but a very interesting man I'll say that.  He has a doctorate and wrote his dissertation on stand up comedy.  That's what the class is about, humor and comedy, which is, as he says, such a unive

23 Book I Hope to Read in 2023

Happy New!  It's been awhile since I have posted anything, and I don't want to wait too long and stop entirely so I thought I would write a fun and simple post for you today about one my my favorite things, reading and books!   I would like to preface this by saying that comparison is an evil I would encourage you to avoid.  Everyone's lives are different so if 23 books (or 12 books!) is your goal for this entire year, that's fine and fantastic, and if you read far more than me, that's fine too.  Last year my goal was to read 65 books and I ended up reading 86.  This year my goal is going to be 85.  My life is really busy now and I don't know how much time I am going to have so I didn't wanna stretch my goal too much.    Now onward, here are 23 books I am hoping to read this year along with some rapid fire fun facts about the books:  1. Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree I got this books for Christmas!  It's high fantasy and supposedly very